Why Do I Find It Easier To Talk To Strangers On The Internet About My Chronic Illness Than I Do To My Family And Friends?
There are a lot of reasons why it may be easier to open up on the internet about health struggles than it is in real life with family and friends. And it isn't necessarily down to a lack of supportive family, or not having any friends who are sensitive to the situation. You can have the largest family support network, and an understanding circle of friends and still hold back from sharing as much of your truth to them as you do online to relative strangers. Why? For me personally, it's for three main reasons. 1. Guilt Guilt that knowing how much pain I'm truly in, or how much I'm struggling will cause THEM worry and pain. Guilt about how that knowledge will affect them, and how bad it may make them feel that they can't help me or make things better. Guilt that trying to lessen my burden by ranting about the unfairness and struggles of my life, is adding to their burden. 2. Fear Fear that my friends won't understand my chronic illness struggles. Fear that th...